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Bed Wetting Treatment

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Bed Wetting Treatment


Bed-wetting is a subject that you usually avoid discussing with anyone because you may be ashamed to admit that your child still cannot control his bladder. However, bed-wetting in children, and even teenagers, is a common occurrence.
Wetting is the most common childhood urologic complaint and one of the most common pediatric-health issues. Most bedwetting, however, is just a developmental delay—not an emotional problem or physical illness. Only a small percentage (5% to 10%) of bedwetting cases are caused by specific medical situations. Bedwetting is frequently associated with a family history of the condition. Most girls can stay dry by age six and most boys stay dry by age seven. By ten years old, 95% of children are dry at night. Studies place adult bedwetting rates at between 0.5% to 2.3%.[5] Bed-wetting is also referred to as sleep-wetting and its scientific name is 'nocturnal enuresis'. It is a term given to the uncontrolled passing of urine while a person is asleep. It affects people of all ages, but is usually seen in young children, until the age of six. Sixty percent of all bed-wetters are males and ninety percent of them wet the bed almost every night.

What are the causes of bed-wetting?
Bed-wetting can occur due to a number of reasons.
Heredity: In most cases, bed-wetting is an inherited trait. If one or both parents wet the bed as children, the chances of their child also becoming a bed-wetter increase by around fifty percent. However, in such cases, the child usually stops at the same age that the parent did. Some scientists have also put forward a theory that bed-wetting is associated with certain genes.
Physical causes: A child with a smaller bladder than normal is more likely to suffer from bed-wetting. There could also be a problem with the valve that controls the flow of urine from the bladder. Children who are constipated might suffer from bed-wetting due to the pressure put on the bladder by a full bowel. A urinary tract infection also increases the chances of bed-wetting.
Neurological causes: In some children, the brain takes longer to develop voluntary control over certain bodily functions. Thus, a child may wet the bed because his body has simply not yet learnt to control the bladder. External stress: Children who are stressed are believed to be more likely to suffer from bed-wetting. Many children, who have previously been normal, suddenly start wetting the bed at night. This could be in response to certain stressful events such as moving to a new home, beginning school, conflict between parents, the arrival of a new child, being abused, etc. However, there is not sufficient scientific evidence to support this theory.

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Aarogya Life - Pracheen Ayurvedic & Unani Dawakhana | Pracheen Ayurvedic Medicine & Treatment in India | Pracheen Unani Dawakhana & Treatment in India by Aarogyalife | 100% Ayurvedic Treatment in Delhi (India) | Ayurvedic Clinic in Delhi | Top Ayurvedic Treatment Centre in Delhi | 100% Ayurvedic Medicine in Delhi (India) | Pracheen Ayurvedic & Unani Dawakhana in Chawari Bazar, Delhi (INDIA) Ayurveda is the world’s oldest known medical science, which originated in India over 5,000 years ago. The main source of this ancient knowledge is the Vedas or the divine books of knowledge propounded by spiritual rishis in India. Best Ayurvedic Clinic, Treatment and Medicine in Delhi, NCR, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Dwarka, Delhi India by Aarogya Life - Pracheen Ayurvedic & Unani Dawakhana - www.aarogyalife.in