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Ayurvedic Doctor for Slip Disc

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Ayurvedic Doctor for Slip Disc


Back pain more often than not portrays itself like a slipped disc, muscles spasm or muscle strain. The pain that is experienced due to this condition can be quite unbearable, particularly when it affects the lower back. There are a variety of causes of back pain and they differ from one person to the next. The most common cause of a slip disc is lifting of objects using the wrong form. The object that you are lifting does not necessarily have to be very heavy since even lifting a light object in the wrong way can cause damage, especially if you are not using the correct muscles of the back. This condition is also common among people who undertake certain types of jobs that require prolonged periods of either standing or sitting down. A simple task such as working in the garden or even shoveling snow can also lead to a slip disc if done in the wrong manner. The strain that is encountered as we perform these activities may cause a spinal disc to bulge out and thus put pressure on the adjacent structures and nerves.

It is essential that you realize that there are things that you can undertake to assist in alleviating pain. Bed rest has long been considered to help in relieving the pain in the back. On the other hand, doctors have recently found out that any form of movement or physical activity goes a long way in making sure that the pain is reduced as well as protecting against further occurrences. It is highly recommended that you also use hot and cold compresses. These forms of treatment ought to be administered in the form of heating pads, hot water bottles or ice packs. When you use any of the aforementioned methods, make sure that you only use them for twenty minutes so as not to weaken the muscles. Over the counter pain killers are also recommended. Once your pain starts to diminish, you are advised to start a light workout program so as to strengthen the muscles of the back. First and foremost, consult your doctor prior to starting any exercises. A light warm up is also essential before the exercises.

Causes: Following are the factors which are responsible for lower back pain
• Strain on back
• Lifting of heavy weights.
• Undue pressure o back causing straining of the ligaments
• Disc prolepses
• Injury to the musculature of the back region
• Slip dics
• Certain diseases like arthritis, obesity, tuberculosis, dysmenorrhea, bone tumors, osteoporosis etc. is also considered as the culprits in causing back pain.
• Improper diet, eating juk food
• No physical activities
• Constipation
• Arthrithis
• Improper functioning of kidney
• Obesity
• Too much physical labor
• Irregular menstrual cycle in women
• Sitting too long in same posture
• Wearing high heel shoes
• Pregnancy
• Sleeping in wrong posture

Symptoms of bachache:
• Pain in lower back and middle portion
• Pain around hips and waist
• Reduced flexibility of spine
• Sometimes sciatica also

There are several useful tips to avoid backache and these include:
• Improve your posture
• Wear flat shoes with a good arch support if you stand for long periods of time
• Regular back and abdominal exercises can keep your back in excellent physical condition
• Take regular breaks and move around rather than sit or stand in one position for several hours
• Ensure that your mattress provides firm support
• Sit on an ergonomic chair when working on a computer or make sure that your chair supports the small of your back
• Sleep on your side (in an “S” shape) or place pillows between your knees to provide comfort to your back
• Reduce the weight of your handbag, as a heavy load creates stress on your spine
• If you lift heavy objects, bend at the hips and knees, and keep your back straight
• Avoid wearing high heeled shoes, as they can lead to back pain

Certain yoga asana are very beneficial in relieving from back pains . these are:
• Bhujang asana
• Uttarpad asana
• Shalabh asana
• Shabva asana
• Hala asana

Some mild stretching for your healthy back
• Lay down strait on the firm floor and slowly raise your both legs upwards, till the point you are comfortable and hold your breathe for some time and then slowly and gradually come back to the initial position. One thing you should be very careful that if you feel pain while doing this, stop doing it immediately and relax.
• Lay on your back and your hands are positioned slightly away from your body. Put your feet together. Do some deep breathing and try to relax and concentrate on your lower back for a minute. Now carefully and slowly start turning your feet in right and simultaneously your head to left side. Hold in the position that does not cause pain, take few deep breathes and the slowly come back to the original position. Reverse the whole activity. Perform this exercise 10 times a side. Again you should be very careful that if you feel pain while doing this, stop doing it immediately and relax.

• Avoid over exertion, should not lift heavy things and not to carry too much at a time.
• Lift with legs, not the back.bend your knees whenever you wish to pick up something heavy or light, keep back straight
• It is advisable to eliminate pulses from your diet , rice & curd also
• Exercise regularly, but avoid over doing of exercise. take a moderate amount regularly will do more good then strenuous exercise on rare occasions.
• Change sitting positions frequently
• Sleep on hard mattresses instead of soft one.
• Take care that the chair makes contact with the spine fully when u sit on it.

• Take small amount of ajwain seeds & put it in a small cloth, put this bundle on alreadyheated container and let the bundle heated.apply it over the back, it will give you relief.
• Make a paste of lime stone and honey and paste on affected area, its too good for back pain.
• Heat & ice therapy are simple & very effective in pain
• Massage back with mint oil, it’s a best home remedy
• Doing yoga in slipped disc works good (note-only some yoga asans works in slipped disc)
• Application of raw potato in the poultice form has been very effective.
• Intake of a tea spoon of sesame oil, soaked in ¼ cupof water and keep over night. has been found to be effeicient in slipped disc.
• Intake of 2 table spoons of lemon juice with a tea spoon of honey mixed with warm water is helpful in curing backache.
• Warm coconut oil to be mixed with camphor should be massaged an aching joint with soft hands.do not massage gently.plz avoid air contacts after massage therapy.
• Intake of ½ tea spoon of turmeric ( haldi) powder with milk or with water help in pain and in swelling too.
• Mix 5 drops of ginger oil with 20 drops of almond oil and massage into tender areas. avoid air contact after massage.
• Slipped disc patients always recommended to take calcium , zinc and vit c
• Eating 2-3 garlic slices to get relief from pain
• 2 spoon of honey mix with 1 spoon of apple cider vinegar in warm water and drink this mixture, helps in paining back. Note: not for people who suffer from acidity
• Take ½ tea spoon of guggul twice a day after meal with water.is very good in backache
• Intake of 5gm of ashwagandha with warm milk good in slipped disc
• Intake of aloevera juice also helps in backache
• Sauth, suranjaan, ashwagandha mixture powder to be taken with hot milk in the morning is very effective in slipped disc


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Aarogya Life - Pracheen Ayurvedic & Unani Dawakhana | Pracheen Ayurvedic Medicine & Treatment in India | Pracheen Unani Dawakhana & Treatment in India by Aarogyalife | 100% Ayurvedic Treatment in Delhi (India) | Ayurvedic Clinic in Delhi | Top Ayurvedic Treatment Centre in Delhi | 100% Ayurvedic Medicine in Delhi (India) | Pracheen Ayurvedic & Unani Dawakhana in Chawari Bazar, Delhi (INDIA) Ayurveda is the world’s oldest known medical science, which originated in India over 5,000 years ago. The main source of this ancient knowledge is the Vedas or the divine books of knowledge propounded by spiritual rishis in India. Best Ayurvedic Clinic, Treatment and Medicine in Delhi, NCR, Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Dwarka, Delhi India by Aarogya Life - Pracheen Ayurvedic & Unani Dawakhana - www.aarogyalife.in